It’s been a while since it is the employees choosing who to work for rather than the employer picking its workforce. The biggest asset of technology businesses is their people. The smarter, the more efficient, the more motivated workforce, the more chances to win the game. Don’t you agree?
That is why having a strong talent team plays a crucial role in your organization’s success. Your talent team is the gatekeeper: the talent they attract, the criteria they use to move candidates forward or reject, and the way they interact with candidates since the first email, will make a huge difference!
That is why you should choose the best recruiters out there for your team and give them the best resources to do their job 😉
In this blog, I’d like to tell you what I consider the key behaviors a talent team should carry on in order to hire top talent.
- Data Analysis. It is important that your recruitment team looks at data. We do not need to get obsessed about this and make it a super complex function, just set up simple KPIs you consider important for your business and keep track of them. Some ATSs provide great reporting functionality, if this is your case make the most of it. Or else, you can always do it manually.
- Creativity. Considering the real war for talent out there, your team must be creative in the way they attract & engage with talent.
- Organization. This is of the utmost importance. Recruiters deal with a lot of information daily, we need to create systems & processes that allow us to keep a record of all of it, in a simple & efficient way.
- Clear communication. Recruiters spend 80% of their time communicating; interviewing, and meeting hiring managers, stakeholders, etc. They must be able to communicate clearly, and also make sure they understand the messages from the other side.
- Working under pressure. Oh yes! Recruitment is always busy, I am sure you’ve heard this, but it is true! There is always something to do, to improve, to update, to rethink. Recruiters must be able to keep calm even when things get stressful!
- Adaptability to changes. Every recruitment process is different, you can follow some patterns and structures, but you need to adapt a lot to the hiring manager, the team, the role you are recruiting for, and the deadlines.
- Fast learning. Every role you recruit is different and recruiters must have the ability to learn the role fast, so they can recruit for it. You cannot recruit for something you do not know. Every time a new role comes up, the recruiter will need to study the job description, and meet the hiring manager to know exactly what they need.
- Influencing people & decisions. This comes to being a talent advisor. We need to be able to drive the process in the right direction, and sometimes this is not the one the team/hiring manager wants. Being patient, letting the team make mistakes, and using data to support your choices, are some behaviors that will help you lead recruitment in a good way.
- Kindness. Yes! This is as well very important. People want to talk to kind people. Recruiters need to show that we appreciate candidates’ interest & time to speak to us and go through the process. Send updates, follow-ups, thank emails, and also nice constructive feedback when rejecting.
- Build rapport fast. Yes! People need to like & trust you, as stakeholders and as candidates. Show them you know your stuff, you are there to help, you listen, you meet your word, and you care.
I think that is all that I can think about, maybe I am forgetting something. I’d like to hear your feedback on this, fellow recruiters! 🙂