It’s been a while since it is the employees choosing who to work for rather than the employer picking its workforce. The biggest asset of technology businesses is their people. The smarter, the more efficient, the more motivated workforce, the more chances to win the game. Don’t you agree?  

That is why having a strong talent team plays a crucial role in your organization’s success. Your talent team is the gatekeeper: the talent they attract, the criteria they use to move candidates forward or reject, and the way they interact with candidates since the first email, will make a huge difference!

That is why you should choose the best recruiters out there for your team and give them the best resources to do their job 😉

In this blog, I’d like to tell you what I consider the key behaviors a talent team should carry on in order to hire top talent.

I think that is all that I can think about, maybe I am forgetting something. I’d like to hear your feedback on this, fellow recruiters! 🙂